Dianna's Story

Submitted by her attorney
on Thu, 10/27/2009 — 12:45

It was dark outside - - and in most of the building too. My end-of-the-day consultation was all but over as Dianna was leading me through the disturbing details explaining why the children don't sleep at night. Like most parents in an attorney's office, Dianna was anxious and justifiably apprehensive of what was about to occur. For almost three hours she had taken me day by day through the last year of their marriage introducing me to some of her complexities in an altogether too familiar world of devastating affairs, physical aggression, shattered hopes, and terrified children.

As we were about to leave the conference room, Dianna reached for the light switch and then hesitated. For just a moment, looking over the empty desks, and shelves of Code books, she grew quiet. Then, just as quickly, she hit the switch and we turned and started back to my office.

Half way across the reception area Dianna turned to me with an uncertain frown and said "The funny thing is, I know how to run my business, how to care for my children, but I don't know if I'll make it through this. I've never thought I'd be divorcing Stephen."

Two weeks earlier, Dianna had flown to New York for a weekend with her husband. The relationship between Dianna and Stephen was not a good one. She had hoped it would improve. Over the past two years their quarrels had climbed steadily. The children were becoming mirthless. As expected, Saturday morning dealt with more disappointment -- the arguments started again, leaving that familiar emptiness in her stomach. It was later however, after dinner that Stephen gave Dianna the surprise of her life. "I'm leaving you and taking the children with me. Of course you could try stopping me. But if you do, I will make your life miserable, I'll ruin you and destroy your company. There is nothing you can do."

From coast to coast, in one variation or another, Dianna's scenario is played out countless times every day. And all to often, like Dianna, the partner in marriage is caught unprepared. Correcting that situation, preparing parents for the moment when life changes and they must deal with the crisis ahead, is the purpose of my mission.

To learn more contact me at 703-241-1243

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